Shivam Handa

Shivam Handa 

Shivam Handa
Research Scientist, Meta
Ph.D., Center for Deployable Machine Learning, CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Email: shivamhanda [at] gmail [dot] com
Email: shivamhanda [at] gmail [dot] com

Before joining MIT, I worked as a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research India working with Dr. Ganesan Ramalingam . I completed my undergraduate studies at IIT Delhi with a major in Computer Science. I was advised by Prof. Sorav Bansal for my undergraduate thesis.

Here is my resume and my publications.

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the intersection of Programming Languages and Machine Learning. Currently, I am working on modifying program synthesis to work with noisy datasets. I also dabble is formalizing aspects of large data processing systems.

Academic Advisors

I have been fortunate to work with some great researchers: